Dmmd reconnect crack
Dmmd reconnect crack

dmmd reconnect crack

Turn "Enable .3" on, leave the others off Open Hardware (press h) > buy CPU 2x, Integrity 1x (note that you need to move your mouse to the left side to access this server) Open Hardware (press h) > buy Firewall 7x (you can use some of the money to buy Integrity too if you screw up with the key crack) (this is mostly just a precaution in case you didn't manage to destroy the servers in time before you lost bounce link with ) (from this point, keep on D.O.S and EMP ing these servers whenever it's available) Reconnect (do it, even if you got a lot of trace timer left)

dmmd reconnect crack

Turn "not (TRUE and FALSE)" on, leave the others off Turn "Link: active" on, leave the others off Open Hardware (press h) > buy CPU 4x, Firewall 1x (buy 2 Firewalls if you are not fast enough to reconnect) You can reconnect to the servers when you lost your bounced link if you want Keep on EMP and D.O.S -ing this server until its integrity goes to 0.

dmmd reconnect crack

Toggle "Oxygen Supply Connection" and "Secure Access Hatch" off, leave the others on You'll need to regain some of your bounced link now.) Open Hardware (press h) > buy CPU 2x, integrity 5x Toggle "Line 2" on, leave the others off (we'll turn on "Line 3" later) Open Hardware (press h) > buy integrity 5x Toggle "Alert Security" on (will increase trace level by 10%) or scan on console to unlock it without reducing your trace level Toggle "Survelliance camera" and "Building access" off Toggle "Line 2" on, leave the others off Toggle "Line 3" on, leave the others off Toggle "Line 1" on, leave the others off


If they are expired when you need to hack stronger server, feel free to re-hack those servers with Firewall and set up the bounced links again before continuing your progress.

  • I already tried to match the time needed to D.O.S and EMP a server based on their cooldown, but if it's somehow too fast or too slow, feel free to adjust it based on your time.
  • I don't know what's the difference with other difficulties, but if you're playing in harder difficulties, you can try to adjust your playthrough based on the difficulty.
  • This guide is dedicated for easy difficulty.
  • Whenever I said reconnect, logout (using space button), and hack the server again.

    Viewing other files will be faster since you don't have to wait to download the file. This is useful for "work" file in chapter 3. You'll need to wait for its animation to finish although you can always see the file from the console screen. If you're downloading the file, you can read it by using "cat " in your console.

  • Whenever I said download or view, it means that you need to see it to solve the puzzle (as in which toggle to turn on), but you can skip doing it and follow the instruction in the guide if you want.
  • Whenever I said download, upload, turn something on/off, or transfer money, it means that you must open the Interface tab and do whatever you need to do.
  • hedPlayer is the user's default name so I decided to use it on the guide. Your trace time won't be reset otherwise.
  • Make sure you logout (by pressing space) after you finished with each server.
  • Both works the same for you and your target server.
  • D.O.S will reduce Integrity by 1, EMP will reduce Integrity by 2.
  • Watch out for their Integrity though since the server will disappear if you reduce it to 0, thus making it impossible to finish the level if you need to do something there.
  • You need to have CPU equal to the target Firewall count to hack it, but you can D.O.S and EMP the server without restriction to reduce their Firewall count.
  • If your firewall goes to 0, you'll be automatically tracked if you don't have a bounce link.
  • If your integrity goes to 0, it's game over.
  • Don't spend money unless it's necessary.
  • To be honest, I only used space in the game to logout quickly.

    Dmmd reconnect crack